Thursday, November 17, 2011

35...and counting

So tomorrow is my birthday.  Well according to my mother; tomorrow at 11:19PM is my birthday.  She never acknowledges it until the minute of my birth.  I was kind of excited, because I feel like 35 is a milestone...but as the day has gotten closer, I'm like, a milestone of what?  Babies, Bills, and Burdens?

I praised Him in the car this afternoon listening to "I am God".  That is so my song.  And as I listened to it; it reminded me that I am SO blessed to be alive, so blessed to have what and who I have, and that whatever I DON'T have is simply not meant for me.  For He's my provider, He'll fight my battles, He'll give me PEACE.  So marinating on that, I think that for me, making 35 is besides being a blessing in and of itself because I have SO many friends who did not make it here---but its a blessing and its a milestone that I've reached that age and stage where I have blessings and peace.  I feel good about who and what I am.  I feel proud of my children, to the point of tears some days. I have rich, real relationships.  I have a nice roof over my head.  I have a brand new car.  I'm not begging for money on the street.  I have been at the same job that I (mostly) enjoy for years. I have opportunity for education that I continue to take advantage of.  I have simply awesome parents, mother AND father.  I have beautiful, caring sisters.  I have hundreds of thousands of sorority sisters.  And right now; I have pink Moscato in my hand :))

I am so BLESSED.  ABUNDANTLY blessed.  I do not take that for granted.  And the blessings allow me peace.  I am at peace with myself.  With those around me.  With my station in life.  With what I do have and what I don't have.  I'm even at peace with my paycheck; although it could ALWAYS be bigger.  I feel like I've lived a good life and made positive contributions.

But I also feel like crossing this threshold takes me from young adult to a for REAL grown ass woman.  Now when I say it; I can say it with conviction.  LOL.

So as I darken the doorstep of 35 tomorrow; I will do brilliantly and maybe even with some flair.  Gotta show my daughters that 35 isn't "old" its just another age :)


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